Vaani Kapoor sizzled the screen with her instant chemistry with Ranveer Singh in Befikre. Since then, the actress has been spotted quite a many times for her marvelous photoshoots but Vaani’s latest cover picture has left us mesmerised. Over the years, the actress has garnered a huge fan following for her diversified roles. The Shuddh Desi Romance actress has lately being a part of so many photoshoots that fans can’t help but stay in complete awe of the actress.
Vaani Kapoor’s latest photoshoot and the cover shot explore nothing but different gorgeous and beautiful bridal avatars. The actress recently took to her Instagram account to share a picture from her latest photoshoot. Interestingly, several other pictures from her photoshoots are doing the round wherein Vaani looks super charismatic.
Recently, she walked the ramp for Amazon India Fashion Week and left everyone speechless with her black gown. She looked ravishing in the all black gown with no accessories. The actress became the showstopper of ace designer Rina Dhaka. Recently, when Vaani was asked about her idea of fashion, the actress stated that her idea is very basic and she does not have a very strong notion about it.
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She loves experimenting with her looks but she ensures to stay in her comfort zone. Vaani also states that whatever she finds soothing and appealing to her eyes, she picks it up. The actress also added that she stays very relaxed. On the professional front, Vaani Kapoor is reading a lot of scripts and is currently not doing any films. The actress has worked under the Yash Raj Banners. Her smoking hot avatar in Befikre won her an applause from the audience.
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