It was Priyanka Chopra who was creating a lot of buzz due to her dress at the Oscars 2017. However, we feel that Deepika Padukone is stealing all the limelight at the post-Oscar Awards party. Right after the grand award function, Vanity Fair threw a lavish party for all the celebs and Deepika Padukone stole all the thunder due to her elegant outfit.
Deepika Padukone wore a black top and shimmery gold outfit that left all the fashion critics speechless. Recently, PeeCee was being trolled for her wardrobe but we feel that Deepika Padukone has left no stone unturned to look glamorous.
A couple of pictures are doing the round on social media where Deepika looks drop dead gorgeous. Since her debut in the Hollywood, the actress has been put in a constant competition with Priyanka. Even in the New York Fashion Week, Deepika and Priyanka’s outfit became a talking point.
At the post-award function party, Priyanka Chopra wore a black coloured glittering outfit. It became a little difficult for us to decide who won the fashion competition between the two. Both looked stunning and turned some heads.
Fans were left awestruck to see both the gorgeous leading ladies spread their charm at the event. Earlier Deepika Padukone posted a video on her Instagram account that revealed her dress for the pre-award function party. The dinner was hosted by Charles Finch and Chanel in Hollywood. Deepika’s floral multi-coloured outfit was styled by Elizabeth Saltzman.
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Priyanka Chopra shared a picture on her Instagram account where she can be seen flaunting her dress. She captioned the image as, “Vanity fair #oscars @michaelkors“. She wore a dress from Michael Kors collection.
Vanity fair #oscars @michaelkors
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