Priyanka Chopra, who is currently in Paris to attend the fashion week, is making all heads turn with her stunningly fashionable appearances. Starting from her white asymmetrical Armani dress, PeeCee has given us some really interesting and quirky looks over the past few days. In fact, the pretty lady also has her fan girl moment when she met Hollywood beauties Sophia Loren and Kate Winslet. In fact, Priyanka also posted pictures of them on her Instagram account. While everyone is gushing over PeeCee’s fashion choices, the credit goes to none other than her stylist Cristina Ehrlich, who is making sure that the actress looks her best every single time she steps out.
The actress also went for shopping with Cristina to designer Peter Dundas’ store and tried out some really cool and quirky outfits from his Resort 2018 collection. She also posted some pictures of her dress play on social media and if reports are to be believed, Dundas gifted Priyanka a hot pink fox fur coat which costs approx Rs. 12,91,713. Yes, you read that right! A coat worth more than Rs 12 lakhs (we just got a mini heart attack). The coat comes with a studded red patent leather belt and is made with 100% fox fur.
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Well, we think it really doesn’t make any sense to buy such an expensive hot pink coat, also it is a complete waste to create something out of fox fur in the name of fashion. Don’t you think so? After all, Priyanka Chopra can buy anything, wear whatever she wants and certainly she will look good. But why to go for something that is not required at all?
Not just this pink coat, the actress also wore two other dresses from Peter Dundas’s Resort 2018 collection, the cost of which will make your eyes pop out.
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This floral asymmetrical ruffled dress is undoubtedly very beautiful and Priyanka looks like a doll in it. But this off-shoulder vintage dress costs approx Rs.8,99,343.
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Priyanka looks like a rocker chic in this panther tattoo embellished t-Shirt dress, which is priced at approx Rs.3,87,838. And we are not joking!
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After knowing the prices of these dresses, we wonder how much do we need to save and for how many years to buy just one piece from Peter Dundas’s collection.
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