It seems Priyanka Chopra is on a fashion spree. Just after showing her style and charisma at Met Gala 2017, she wore a beautiful saree to a UNICEF fundraising event in Zimbabwe, South Africa. It is not the first time when our desi girl wore a saare, but what caught our attention was her blouse. Well, it was nothing like the most outstanding outfit ever, but the Bengal Tiger printed on it made us fall in love instantly. The blouse was perfectly going with her dotted black saree.
The tiger printed on the blouse was hand-painted, and not a graphic print. The outfit was from the house of Sabyasachi and Priyanka looked stunning in the outfit that showed India’s national animal–the tiger. Even Sabyasachi took to Instagram and shared the picture with the caption: ‘Sunderban Sari’.
At the UNICEF’s ‘End Violence Against Children’ initiative, Priyanka gave a powerful speech. She has been the UNICEF national Ambassador in India for nearly 10 years. In December 2016, she was appointed as a UNICEF global Goodwill Ambassador and currently, she is spending time with the less privileged in South Africa.
Earlier she shared a picture of her from Africa with children who have survived sexual abuse. While sharing the picture, Priyanka wrote that their journey is quite inspiring. She even posted a beautiful video. She wrote, “So my hair is apparently very fascinating!! It was so funny being petted!! It lasted a good 10 minutes.. Lol!! We are all beautifully different in so many ways. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you are less.. #EndViolence #unicef #thistimeforafrica #childline.” Check out some of her other pictures and videos from the tour here:
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