This year was certainly the hottest of them all, whether it was Priyanka Chopra donning her red gown at the Emmy Awards this year or Sunny Leone dancing to the tune of Laila Main Laila in Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees. Apart from the red carpets and the silver screens, our desi girls rocked the cover pages of several fashion magazines too.
Bollywood actresses broke the sexy-meter with their steamy covers. Be it Katrina in a white lacy-dress on the beach for Harper’s Bazaar or Alia Bhatt cozying up in a hoodie on the cover of Filmfare, there’s no dialing down the hotness. Hell, even Kareena Kapoor Khan looked dazzling as she flaunted her baby bump donning a black dress.
With so many covers to choose from, we at InUth did a little bit of a survey. We had Richa Chadha, Sunny Leone, Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma pitting against each other. Now, one would simply assume that Sunny Leone would emerge the winner but, that would make them wrong. Oh, so wrong. In fact, the people’s choice for the hottest covergirl went to Richa Chadha.
Chadha, who won our hearts in Fukrey, beat both Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma by a huge mark. You would think that someone like Sunny would give her a run for her money but, Chadha beat the hotness diva by nearly twice as many votes.
Sadly, the original Desi Girl Priyanka Chopra fell to the bottom of the list with the least number of votes. Don’t believe us? Check it out yourselves!
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