Sara Ali Khan attended daddy Saif Ali Khan’s birthday party recently and made all heads with her stunning appearance as she walked out of the car. Wearing an off-shoulder plain white top and matching white embroidered shorts, Sara made sure to jazz up her boring all-white outfit with a pair of sexy denim boots. With her hair left open and a hint of makeup, the starlet went for thigh-high ripped denim peep-toe boots and completely stole the show. Denim in many other forms is in trend these days and apart from the denim on denim look, thigh-high denim boots are a new rage in the fashion industry. Though you will not see many of our Bollywood beauties in these sexy boots, it seems like Sara is here to redefine some fashion norms with her bold and classy choices.
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The trend of wearing denim boots was started by Hollywood beauties like Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Kardashian sisters. And you never know if Sara is inspired by any one of them. These boots come in a variety of shades and heel type and cost a lot. It won’t be worn to say that anyone can fall in love with these beauties and would like to include them in their shoe collection. But what can we do about the price?
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No, no we will not ask you to do a DIY project to make these. In fact, we have found some reasonable and cheaper options for you, to up your fashion game without breaking your bank! Have a look:
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Well, talking about Sara Ali Khan, the starlet is already a fashion diva and remains in limelight every single time for her amazing style choices. Whether it is a casual outing or any red carpet event, Sara never fails to disappoint us and we are pretty sure that she is here to rule.
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