Bollywood beauty Shraddha Kapoor has been at the top of her fashion game for a long time. Recently, she was invited for the Gauravanta Awards wherein the actress managed to charm the audience with her classy dress. Her stylist Shehla Khan ensured that the actress looked all pretty in her skirt. This is not the first time that Shraddha Kapoor has captivated her fans with her looks, but her love for a colourful cocktail dress made sure that we get all the more several reasons to love Shraddha.
Styled by Tanya Ghavri and Shehla Khan, the subtle jewelry that Shraddha wore was by Anita Dongre. Her golden coloured Jimmy Choo sandals added to the overall look. The stylist took to her Instagram account and wrote, ” Pretty as a picture @shraddhakapoor in our rainbow hand painted cocktail dress for #HalfGirlfriend promotions today!”
The stylist made sure to spill the beans on Shraddha’s dress. They call it a rainbow cocktail dress. The off-the-shoulder skirt is soon going to be popular among young girls who can wear and flaunt the dress at several parties. Words do fall short to describe how beautiful the actress looks in a beautiful outfit.
Recently, she also celebrated her 15 million Instagram followers with much excitement. The videos are enjoyable. Take a look:
The actress will be seen next alongside Arjun Kapoor in Half Girlfriend. The movie has already created a buzz due to its beautiful songs. Based on Chetan Bhagat’s film of the same name, Half Girlfriend is slated to release on 19 May 2017. After Ek Villain, this is the second time the actress is working with Mohit Suri.
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