Sonam Kapoor recently shared the cover of a fashion magazine’s June 2017 edition on her Instagram account which features her and looks absolutely stunning. For the cover photo shoot, she was styled by Anaita Shroff Adajania while her makeup was done by Subhash Vagal and hair by Gabriel Georgiou. Wearing a classy printed shirt with its buttons open till her midriff. Sonam layered it up with a denim jacket, which has birds embroidered on both the shoulders and the entire jacket is covered with golden embellishments from its sides and the collar, taking the look to a whole new level. Have a look:
Not just the cover picture Sonam Kapoor also shared some other photos from the cover shoot on her social media and made us go wow. Have a look:
Wearing a ruffled bikini top and a crab skirt from Johanna Ortiz, Sonam Kapoor looks like a sea goddess as she stands barefoot holding a ladder. Her hair and makeup are by Gabriel Georgiou and Subbu.
Sitting on a sofa chair, Sonam looks stunning as she poses for the camera with a fierce look on her face. Wearing a colourful ruffled dress with a matching knit sweater from Fausto Puglisi, the actress redefines royalty in a whole new way. Styled by Anaita Shroff Adajania, her hair and makeup are by Gabriel Georgiou and Subbu.
Wearing a one-shoulder off white self-embroidered short sweater dress from Burberry, Sonam Kapoor looks super glamorous in her sultry avatar. Styled by Anaita Shroff Adajania, her makeup is by Subbu.
Sonam Kapoor raises the temperature in this summary flower print thigh-high slit dress from Emanuel Ungaro. Her smokey eyes, damp hair and nude lips are making the whole look more sensual.
Dressed in a sheer white vintage gown from RED Valentino, Sonam Kapoor looks like a beautiful painting in this picture. With no accessories or footwear, the actress looks straight into the camera and made us go wow.
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