Sridevi was recently spotted by the paparazzi at the airport with husband Boney Kapoor and daughters Khushi, Jhanvi. While the airport look of her daughters was on-point, the actress made a rather disappointing choice, leaving us shocked. We agree that Bollywood personalities have an extremely busy schedule and deserve a break from looking good all the time. But sadly, these actresses have no excuse whether they are travelling for work or leisure. While most of our celebs have aced their airport looks, there are some who are too lazy to look good while taking a flight.
The mother-daughter trio went for a no-make up airport look this time but sadly, Sridevi’s airport look left speechless. She wore a brown velvet track suit with an ugly-print shawl and made us wonder was it really that cold outside? Plus those shoes and the green bag. Surely, Sridevi made no effort to dress up and look good for the cameras this time. She looked like a bored house wife rather than the glamorous mommy she usually is. However, that doesn’t change the fact that she is one hell of a diva even at the age of 51.
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As for Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, they too chose a comfortable outfit and we love how they kept their look simple yet stylish. Jhanvi, who signed a three-film deal with Dharma Productions recently, wore a crop top and a red jacket, which she paired with leggings and comfy boots. Her younger sister Khushi wore an all black attire with knee-length boots and look super stylish. These girls are really the ones to look out for in Bollywood. Maybe that’s why mommy dear took a backseat on the fashion front this time and let her daughters shine.
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