Vinod Khanna, the veteran actor of Bollywood, lost his battle to cancer and left his fans completely heartbroken early this morning. The actor was hospitalised and a picture of him went viral on the social media, where he appeared visibly fragile and ill. Though his son Rahul Khanna confirmed that his father his doing fine, he couldn’t fight for long.
The tall, handsome and suave star, Vinod Khanna entered Bollywood with the film Man Ka Meet. But, he is best remembered for his performance in Mere Apne. In whichever area Vinod Khanna entered, he made sure to establish himself successfully. Though he debuted in Bollywood in 1968, he finally got his first break as the solo lead hero in 1971 with Hum Tum Aur Woh opposite Bharati Vishnuvardhan. He has worked with his contemporaries like Shatrughan Sinha and Amitabh Bachchan, and at the same time, he competed with the same actors. He even had an amazing political career.
When Vinod Khanna was first time seen on the screens, women couldn’t help crushing on him. He had a magnetic charm and persona. He was the first cool actor whose flawless dialogue delivery used to make his actresses go mad. Whether he was Shyam of Mere Apne or inspector Amar of Amar Akbar Anthony, he slayed everyone with his looks. While we grieve his sudden demise, here’s a flashback at his most amazing looks, that prove he was the most stylish Bollywood actor.
ALSO WATCH: In memory of the uber stylish Vinod Khanna, here are six of his iconic songs
Vinod Khanna in 1960. Look at his eyes and the Elvis Presley hairstyle.
1960s :: Young Vinod Khanna #RIP
— indianhistorypics (@IndiaHistorypic) April 27, 2017
In 1982, Vinod Khanna posed With Amitabh Bachchan, Rajesh Khanna, Hema Malini and Dharmendra on the set of Rajput. Look at his tight pants and shirt look. And the mustache suits him so perfectly.
1982 :: Vinod Khanna With Rajesh Khanna , Hema Malini ,Amitabh Bachchan ,Dharmendra on Set of Rajput Movie
— indianhistorypics (@IndiaHistorypic) April 27, 2017
Vinod Khanna in this black magician hat. Swag!
Have you ever tried these sunglasses? Cool, isn’t it?
Can you carry pink with so much grace?
Well, sunglasses looked amazing on him. The only regret, we can’t see his beautiful eyes.
Aviator during that time. Indeed, he could carry anything with much elegance.
He was the one who started with bow-tie!
Vinod Khanna looked super handsome in this bandh gala suit.
I bet nobody can carry off this green suit better.
RIP Vinod Khanna, we will miss you!
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