While everyone is still talking about Sonam Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Deepika Padukone’s Cannes 2017 outfits, Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra is slaying it with her amazing fashion styles at the Baywatch promotions. Well, we don’t blame you for missing all these super stylish looks of PeeCee amid the Cannes fashion fest, but now when we are done talking about it, let’s concentrate a bit on Priyanka Chopra’s super awesome outfits.
Priyanka Chopra slipped into four different and super cool outfits to attend the Baywatch premiere in New York. She made her first appearance on Good Morning America, wearing a lavender calf-length leather skirt which she teamed up with a ruffled white top. Have a look:
For her second look, Priyanka Chopra opted for a deep neck monochromatic dress and paired it with a long olive green jacket.
PeeCee’s third look shows her love for leather, as she opted for a bold knee-length leather dress and made us all drool over her high-end fashion choices.
SHE LOOKS GOOD #priyankachopra #baywatch
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And the final look that she opted for the Baywatch premiere was a mini metallic dress, which she paired with a plain tan jacket and a choker around her neck.
Well, these stunning pictures of Priyanka Chopra are surely going to give a tough time to the fashion police, as she has nailed each look with her sass and that flawless smile.
Baywatch marks Priyanka Chopra’s Hollywood debut and she will be seen as the antagonist Victoria Leeds. The film also stars Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Zac Efron in important roles. Baywatch will release in India on Juen 2 this year.
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