The Umang show has been touted as one of the biggest and glamorous events of the Bollywood industry and this year’s event was no different. The star-studded event left the audience in high anticipation. From Ranveer Singh’s Padmavati look to Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s glamorous avatar, the Bollywood celebs were at the top of their fashion game but who was the best?
Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan stole the limelight by dancing on a new song from their upcoming film Badrinath Ki Dulhania. Both set the stage on fire with their enthralling performance. Varun maintained his casual look by flaunting ripped jeans and a yellow shirt whereas Alia Bhatt mesmerised us with her fashion sense yet again.
Watching Anushka Sharma at the event was a pleasant moment for her fans. She wore a black-coloured saree laced with golden-coloured embroidery.
Queen Kangana captivated everyone with her elegant avatar. The actress donned a blue-coloured saree. She looked all gorgeous!
However, Shilpa Shetty stole the thunder with her outfit. The actress left everyone speechless with her creme-coloured saree. Shilpa flaunted her curves and looked smoking hot in her dress. On the other hand, the deadly Mubarkan duo of Anil Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor made us all go jhakaaas!
Styled by Manish Malhotra, Arjun Kapoor’s navy blue bandhgala is giving us new fashion goals. The actor looked suave in the outfit.
The ever charming Preity Zinta charmed the fans with her pink-coloured outift.
The highlight was Ranveer Singh’s Padmavati look at the function. Styled by Shantanu Nikhil, the actor left us in complete awe with his attire. Here are a few more celebs who rocked the red carpet of the function.
Also see: Photos: Katrina, Govinda and others were high on fashion quotient at the airport!
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