Priyanka Chopra, recently, has given an interview to a popular fashion magazine and answered 73 questions back to back. From revealing her favourite Taylor Swift song to expressing her annoyance about people mispronouncing her name, she spoke it all. We also got a glimpse of her NYC duplex and loved the terrace of her apartment. During her interaction, she spoke about Met Gala 2017 dress and the memes made out of it. She told about her huge crush on American rapper Tupac.
As Priyanka Chopra’s Hollywood debut Baywatch has released in the US, she spoke to and revealed about the fashion stuff she regretted. While speaking to, she said that those hair extensions were really tough to wear. She further said, “I have a lot of hair. And sometimes it can become really big. There was a time where I liked a lot of extensions and a lot of curls and just a lot of everything going on in there.” She also said that her this year’s Met Gala and last year’s Emmy Awards outfits were the best.
When asked to choose her most favourite garments, she said: “It’s a toss-up between my Met Gala trench coat and this beautiful Emmy Jason Wu red custom gown that I wore last year at the Emmys. So it’s a little bit of a toss-up right now.”
Coming back to her 73 rapid fire questions, Priyanka disclosed what is inside her handbag. She said that she never travels without a hand cream, sunglasses and a bottle of hot sauce. Her sunglasses is basically a part of her uniform. Let’s see what else are in her bag.
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