Sonakshi Sinha recently won our hearts with her stunning cover photoshoot for a popular fashion magazine. The actress rocked some beautiful summer-ready floral attires with utmost perfection and gave us some serious summer fashion goals. While her personal favourite fashion style is all about comfy clothes, her on-screen avatars are super glamorous and high on fashion. But it looks like Sonakshi made a bad decision with her latest choice. Shotgun junior, who is on the judging panel of reality dance show Nach Baliye, wore a blingy green outfit for the latest episode and made our eyes burn with all the glitter. She wore a weird full-sleeve green body hugging knee-length dress with geometric prints. As you will see the picture, the shimmery outfit of Sonakshi will hit hard on eyes.
Styled by Mohit Rai, this outfit of Sonakshi Sinha is from Falguni & Shane Peacock. Seriously guys! What was your inspiration behind making this outfit? As if this blingy green outfit was not enough to burn our eyes, Sonakshi topped it all with a matching choker (Why Sona Why!?). And that twisted rope braid was the worst decision ever. Well, God bless your makeup artist, who went for a natural look instead of a matching lip shade and a shiny highlighter.
And this picture of Sonakshi is so green that it reminds us of nothing but a matcha cupcake. Woah! Have a look:
Well, there is a Twitter page dedicated to Deepika Padukone which match every outfit of hers with a cupcake and oh boy! they look exactly the same. Now, it seems if Sonakshi continues to wear such outfit, soon there will be cupcake page for her too. Meanwhile, here’s a look at some other fashion disasters of Sonakshi Sinha:
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