Last week on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi we saw all the Bollywood celebs put their best foot forward. They showed up in their best festive avatars and gave us major style goals for the upcoming festivals. While they donned outfits from the latest collection of their favourite designers, Bollywood kids were not far behind. After all, these events are the best time to get noticed before they enter the industry, isn’t it? We are talking about Sara Ali Khan and Jhanvi Kapoor who stepped out in their desi avatars for the star-studded celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi at Mukesh Ambani’s residence in Mumbai. Since both of them are gearing up for their Bollywood debut, they are busy taking the internet by a storm with their fabulous posts and stylish outings, trying to gain the limelight. Both of them looked ultra glamourous and it is indeed a difficult task to say who rocked the ethnic ensemble better among the two.
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Jhanvi Kapoor wore a lehenga straight off the runway from Manish Malhotra’s latest collection, ‘Tales of Indulgence’. It is not a secret that Manish Malhotra is the favourite designer of the daughter-mother trio and for all the right reasons. She always manages to steal our breaths away every time she wears a Manish Malhotra creation. And this time, it was no different. She opted for a floral embroidered lehenga with deep plunging V-neck line and matching skirt in a beautiful pastel shade. Instead of going with the fringe detail that we saw on the ramp, Jhanvi chose to go for a more subtle sheer dupatta. She completed the whole look with drop diamond and emerald earrings and looked regal. We can’t get enough of how beautifully she carried her lehenga.
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Sara Ali Khan who is all set to make her debut opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in Abhishek Kapoor’s Kedarnath also managed to turn heads at the Ganpati celebrations. She chose a pretty pink Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla creation with a matching sheer dupatta. Simple earrings by Hanut balanced of the otherwise rich look. She kept her hair open and makeup simple given how heavy her outfit was and we completely agree. This is not the first time she chose to wear Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla creation. She also wore the label at a bridal couture fashion show earlier this year and at last year’s Diwali bash.
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Both Jhanvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan chose an outfit that worked wonders for them and we just cannot root for one. Which look do you like the most? Let us know in your comments below.
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