Mira Kapoor, who is often spotted by the paparazzi with her little bundle of joy Misha, recently attended the Ambanis bash which was hosted for Natalia Vodianova, model and founder of the Naked Heart Foundation. Attended by names like Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar, Malaika Arora and many others, the star-studded bash was nothing less than a big fashion fest. While Kareena and Malaika grabbed all the limelight in their LBD, Mira also went for the colour black but chose to go for a rather casual look. And what caught our attention was not only her boho chic avatar but also the fact that generally a camera shy Mira posed happily for the shutterbugs with a bright smile on her face. Have a look:
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Wearing a black and orange embroidered top from Saaksha and Kinni collection, the star wife completely stole the show. The detailed thread and cut work makes this cotton-silk top way more beautiful and gives a vintage bohemian look to it. In fact, this top comes with an elegant floral print chiffon maxi skirt in navy blue colour, but Mrs. Kapoor decided to ditch the layered skirt and went for a high-waist black pant instead.
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With her hair tied neatly in a ponytail, Mira paired the attire with a Dior clutch and Christian Louboutin pumps. And now comes the most important part — the cost. Well, the attire costs approx Rs 70, 000, which includes a top and skirt. Yes, you read that right!
And after looking at the price we came up to the conclusion of wearing designer clothes on rent for the next one year, which will cost us a lot less than this attire.
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