Father’s day is just around the corner and as always, you will keep finding the perfect gift for your dad till the very last minute. Stop looking for conventional ‘Happy Father’s day’ cards and lackluster stationary for your dad and gift him something he’ll actually love and not throw into the cupboard. Ran out of creative ideas, haven’t you? Stop scratching your head now! You’re lucky today because we’ve got you covered. Being creative is basically our job so it’s safe to say you’re in good hands.
Your dad has been showering you with loads of gifts ever since you were born. He is literally your Santa Claus and deserves to get some cool gifts for Father’s Day! Here’s a list of some kickass offbeat gifts that will make your dad’s day wayyy more awesome:
Ever since he turned 16, your dad has been in love with his beard. Yes, your mom forces him to trim it every other day, but we all know how much he loves being a beardo. He secretly misses those long-beard-leather-jacket-bullet-riding days! Gift him a year’s worth of beard wax and let him be the macho-stud papa he wants to be. (Plus, it’d be cool to have a dad with a badass beard).
Why does dad have to go to his ‘liquor closet’ to refill his beer every 30 minutes? Buy a cool beer hat for him and let him chill with 2 (or 4) beer cans, handsfree! What can be better?
Your mom loves the sofa. She loves keeping it spotless and tidy. She cares about the decor. Dad just wants to chill and watch TV. Buy him a low maintenance recliner and let him watch India Vs Pakistan in peace!
Dogs are a man’s best friend, right? What’s a better gift than a best friend?! Get your daddy an adorable pooch who will hang out with him whenever he’s home and be his BFF!
Yes, when you, your siblings and your mom snatch the TV remote and watch whatever you want to, your dad HATES it. He gets bored too, you know. Just buy him a Netflix account and let him chill all day!
What are your plans for the big day? Happy Father’s day to you and your dad from team Inuth!
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