Ali Zafar, who wowed India with his powerful singing and acting talent, is now all set to make his Pakistani film debut. Also known as Pak rockstar, Ali will make his big screen debut with Teefa In Trouble and the singer-actor is making headlines for his hard work and dedication for the film. Ali Zafar is currently busy shooting for Teefa and his amazing body transformation has become the talk of the town. The film is high on action and Ali will be seen doing some death defying stunts all by himself. In fact, he recently posted a series of pictures on Instagram, in which he can be seen crashing through an open window and trust us guys, it looks extremely dangerous.
Not only the stunts but Ali Zafar also posted a few of his bare body photos from the shoot and is being praised by one and all for the drastic transformation.
Apart from many of his workout pictures, Ali’s recent post with his trainer was trolled badly on the social media and we don’t know what to say. In the picture, Ali can be seen lifting weights under the guidance of his trainer Tania and captioned it, ”Women can give us the strength that we can’t. With my trainer Tania when in Lahore. Go girl!”
Though we are quite impressed seeing a girl trainer that too in Pakistan, it seems like people noticed something else in the picture. Ali was trolled for lifting different weights in both his hands, one being an 8kg dumbbell and the other one of 10kg.
Not only Ali but Tania was also bashed for the same:
But there were a few who came out in support of the actor and explained why he is lifting different weights:
Well, we wonder how Ali Zafar will react to these trolls.
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