When Alia Bhatt started her career with Karan Johar’s Student of the Year, critics and the audience were skeptical about how the trajectory of her career will pan out. Soon, she proved everyone wrong with her power packed and gripping performances in Highway, Udta Punjab and her latest film Badrinath Ki Dulhania. The actress has been high on her acting game. We all know how she lost weight for her debut film and since then, Alia Bhatt pays a lot of importance to her fitness routine. Trained under fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala, the actress has been a fitness enthusiast.
Alia Bhatt does not stick to her monotonous workout routines. She always looks forward to exploring new and fun ways of working out. So if she is out on a tour with her fellow contemporaries, she finds out ways to workout despite the hectic schedule. Her workout video in the swimming pool with Katrina Kaif made her fans all go crazy.
Not just that, Alia Bhatt focuses heavily on core and pilate exercises. A look at her Instagram account and one can easily figure out that she does not believe in lifting heavy weights. Most of her workout routine focuses on stretching, abdomen exercises and free-hand movements. Free hand training always helps in increasing agility, endurance, stamina and flexibility. These components in return ensure that you do not fall prey to injuries easily.
The Badrinath Ki Dulhania actress hence believes in doing a lot of cardio exercises to burn the belly fat and stay in shape. There is no shortcut to success but regular and consistent exhaustive workout in the gym is one of the best ways to get a fit and fab body. Here are a couple of videos on the social media:
#Throwback #TuesdayMotivation Working the chest and back, this time in the gym @yasminkarachiwala __
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Talking about her professional life, after the spectacular success of Badrinath Ki Dulhania, Alia Bhatt will be seen in Aashiqui 3. The movie will also have Sidharth Malhotra in a lead role.
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