Karan Singh Grover, the handsome actor who wowed viewers with his act as Dr. Armaan Malik in TV serial Dill Mill Gaye, is a fitness junkie. While that side of his was not evident in the show, but thanks to social media, we all now know that the actor keeps fitness above all. In fact, his chiselled body is a proof of how much he loves working out. Married to Bipasha Basu, who known as the fitness queen of Bollywood, Karan often posts his workout videos with wifey Bipasha on his social media. Not many of you may know this, but Karan believes that good music is an important part of workout.
Karan Singh Grover’s fitness regime is a combination of weight training, yoga and calisthenics. The actor’s high-intensity workout regime is something only he can do, that too with utmost ease and perfection. Also known as ‘The Yogi Monkey’, Karan believes that diet plays a major role in fitness. Despite being a big foodie, he prefers eating home cooked food to keep himself away from eating the junk food stuff.
Apart from going to the gym, Karan Singh Grover likes to play basketball and volleyball to keep himself fit. From performing aerial exercises to hanging mid-air and doing pull ups like a pro, Karan’s exercising techniques are amazing.
Well, in case you are a bit inspired after watching his exercise photos and videos, Karan has a wise advice for all you fitness enthusiasts. He says, ”Think about being fit first and then aim for a great body.’
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On the work front, Karan is reportedly working on his debut music album and if reports are to be believed, the actor has already recorded two songs.
(Source: Filmfare)
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