Shahid Kapoor is a hardcore fitness enthusiast. The actor who will be seen next in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati has always been at the top of his fitness game. From the boy-next-door image in Ishq Vishq to the rugged look in Kaminey, Dance Pe Chance and Udta Punjab, the actor has pushed the envelope of staying fit to another level. The actor has certainly transformed his body into a lean frame. Without a doubt, full credit should be given to the actor for his dedication towards a fit and fab body. A lot has been said about his role in magnum opus Padmavati but in order to get into the skin of his character, Shahid Kapoor has undergone an extensive and exhaustive workout regime. You will be shocked to know the details:
Right before beginning the shoot, the actor has been under 40 days intensive diet plan. Despite the fact that Shahid Kapoor is shooting nearly 12 hours a day, he makes sure to hit the gym regularly for two hours at least. The actor has been eating only steamed vegetables and 50 gms of brown rice on a daily basis. He has been off sugar and salt for 15 days before shooting close up sequences.
Since, he is playing the role of a ruler, the actor has to look little beefed up as well and hence his intake of carbohydrates have been increased lately. The movie will witness the fresh pairing of Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor. Apart from them, Ranveer Singh will essay the role of Sultan Alauddin Khalji in the film.
The popular director and his historical period drama movie have been surrounded by a lot of controversies lately. Amid the tensions, Sanjay Leela Bhansali has decided to release the film in May, 2017. This is the third time he is working with Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh after Ram Leela and Bajirao Mastani.
Here are a couple of videos to give you an idea:
A video posted by Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) on
A video posted by Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) on
A video posted by Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) on
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