Sunny Leone, who was shooting for the upcoming season of Splitsvilla in Jim Corbett, has headed back to the US with husband Daniel Weber to attend the Summer Fest 2017. The actress also posted an adorable selfie with hubby Daniel on her Instagram account and looked all excited to witness the world’s largest music festival. Sunny started her big screen journey with Mahesh Bhatt’s Jism 2 and has made her mark in the industry in such a short span of time. She is not only blessed with a beautiful face and a perfect body frame but is also one of the most hard working actresses we have in Bollywood. While we all admire her toned and curvaceous body, Sunny puts in a lot of hard work to maintain that. From hardcore gym session to hot Yoga, the actress works out on a daily basis and follows a strict diet to keep herself fit and healthy.
Workout Regime
In case, you want to know how what all exercises the pretty lady performs to maintain that stunning figure, here’s a little sneak peak into her fitness regime:
Core Training
Lower Body Exercises
Upper Body Exercises
Cool Down
Apart from this, she also has a small gym in her home which she uses on her no out-of-the-house days. Have a look:
Sunny Leone follows a strict diet plan which includes a lot of fruits, veggies and fresh juice. Her best meal of the day is breakfast and the actress tries to stay away from fried and oily food. She doesn’t have any particular cheat days when ti comes to pizza and daal makhani. Also, she doesn’t believe in starving herself and tries to make healthy choices whenever possible.
In case you feel motivated after watching these workout videos of Sunny Leone, have a look at her full body exercises:
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