To many of us, fitness trackers seem a solution to our unfit lifestyle, but does it really work? Well! It all depends on how you have been using this smart device. Surveys suggest that more than one in three users stop wearing their device after six months and a half stop using the device within a year. But why?
Fitness Tracker (Photo:
The reason is that we buy the device in the aura of it doing all good on its own and forget that it’s just a device and fitness comes with our determination, not with a device. However, using such devices can help us track our movements efficiently, which will motivate us to follow an active lifestyle. If you want to get the most out of your fitness tracker, here are some interesting things you need to know.
They work well only with your strategies: As we mentioned above that fitness comes with your determination to be fit, these trackers need to be a part of your behavioural change towards fitness. Keep yourself motivated to be fit.
Don’t trust calorie count: Majority of fitness bands calculate your calorie count using your height, weight, age, and gender. Remember! It’s an artificial intelligence, it doesn’t really know how many calories you killed off walking to your dining room from the hall.
Fitness Tracker (Photo:
Sleep tracking is a myth: Many fitness trackers claim to quantify sleep; however, researchers claim that only brain waves can indicate which stage of sleep you are in, not wrist movement.
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Sync it with your heart: Prefer to buy fitness tracker that comes with a chest strap. Pairing your tracker with this chest strap during your workout session will help you collect more accurate data about calorie burn.
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Your data lies with the manufacturer: The tracker has been collecting your fitness data for the manufacturer of this smart device and it’s not clear how this data is kept secure.
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