While training our bodies at the gym, we need to remember that form always comes before intensity. Thus, how you do an exercise matters more than what you do and for how long you do it. Understanding this aspect ensures that you aren’t getting hurt from an exercise and aren’t creating a dysfunction to get hurt later.
Plank (Photo: Dreamstime)
In this post, we will throw light on one of the important core strength exercise ‘Plank’. You love them, you hate them — the plank is the true test of core strength. If performed in the correct form, this isometric exercise engages the muscles in your abdominals, lower back, hips, and arms. Here is the list of five common plank mistakes and their fixes.
Arching your back: Arching your back puts the whole pressure on your spine and neglect the other targeting muscles.
The Fix: Keep your chest up, shoulder back and down and palms wide on the floor.
Sinking hips: With this posture, you will put a strain on your lower back.
The Fix: Keep hips raised by tucking your butt in a little, squeezing your glutes, engagement of abdominal muscles is also required for the desired benefits.
Straight head: Another common mistake while performing this workout is looking straight ahead as it puts a strain on your neck.
The fix: Keep your eyes on the floor or mat so your head and neck stay in alignment with the rest of your body.
Avoiding muscles of the shoulder girdle: This exercise trains your body from the hips to shoulder, but to be benefitted from it, all you need to do is keep your posture right.
The fix: Make sure you keep your chest tall and shoulder blades back and down. This will help you increase overall shoulder strength. But remember not to push your shoulders forward out of the socket.
Neglecting muscles of pelvic floor: Pelvic floor muscle connects the lower body to the trunk. While performing the exercise you need to lock your pelvis to your abdomen.
The Fix: Squeeze your butts to engage glute muscle. This will activate your pelvic floor muscles and will also lock your hips to the core.
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