Sushant Singh Rajput is one actor in the Bollywood industry who has redefined the word fitness. Recently, in one of the Indian Premier League season 10 opening ceremony, the actor flaunted his six pack abs body. While his male fans took to the internet to search how to attain a body like him, his female fans couldn’t help but drool over his body. Sushant Singh Rajput has pushed the bar when it comes to fitness. Apart from the regular exercise regimen that everyone looks forward too, the actor ensures that his trainer pushes the envelope. One perfect example of his well-sculpted body is in his upcoming film Raabta.
A look at his social media accounts and you will figure out that the actor has over the years increased his agility, speed and flexibility which also means that clearly he is not just lifting weights for the sake of it but also increasing his endurance and stamina on the other hand. One thing is for sure Sushant Singh Rajput never misses his workout routines.
Despite a hectic schedule, the actor engages into exhaustive and rigorous routines. He tries to mix different exercises into one and hence increase the effect of those on the body. Variation is the key in his workout regimen. Apart from following the regular exercise routine every now and then Sushant put immense emphasis on High-Intensity Training (HIT), Tabata workout and cardio.
The actor has mastered the art of burpees and apart from the usual ones, he pulls off some difficult exercises with ease. His fans can definitely take a cue from his Instagram account if they want to loose belly fat but then a word of caution comes with it. The exercises are performed under the supervision of his trainer and hence they are not apt for the beginners. You have to build yourself slowly to start training like Sushant.
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