Thought crazy lawsuits and courtroom dramas were just something you see in movies? Think again! While most cases that go to court are pretty serious, there are people who took fast food joints to courts for reasons as ridiculous as their coffee being too hot! WHAT?! While it may seem surprising (or overdramatic), there have been plenty of such bizarre cases. There have been many instances where it was pretty clear that people were just tryna make some quick cash and misuse the legal system. What can we say, people love fast food, and people love quick, easy cash too!
Check out our list of some of the most bizarre lawsuits filed against the some of the biggest fast-food chains:
Pretty hot McCoffee!
In the crazy case of Liebeck vs McDonald’s in the mid-’90s, Stella Liebeck, the woman sued the fast food chain for a staggering $2.86 million in 1994. Why? She claimed that the coffee was too hot! Here’s the funny part: The jury who actually empathized with her claims and awarded her $640,000 as settled upon by the two parties. Crazy, right?
Yet another infamous case of the I’m Loving it eatery, in 2005, a cop in NY named John Florio was given a very special Big Mac – with shards of glass! He broke his tooth and suffered minor cuts inside his mouth. The McDonald’s employee behind this was arrested later, Florio sued McDonald’s for $5.5 million and won!
King of the (unfit) world!
Burger King received a lawsuit from the Center for Science in Public Interest as they claimed the restaurant put their customers’ health at risk by using trans fat in their burgers and not providing warning label that highlight the potential risks. Post this the CSPI took action against other fast food companies too. There was no monetary award involved, but Burger King sent out a notice stating they’ll stop using trans fat by 2008!
KFC – Where’s the chicken, honey?
A woman in New York filed a crazy $20 million lawsuit against KFC. The bizarre reason? She said the restaurant was fooling people with false advertising because the bucket of chicken she bought was not as full as the one shown in the TV ads! 20 Million for a $20 bucket?! Obviously, the case was dismissed and she wasn’t rewarded, but kudos to the woman to even thinking about taking this to court!
Burger King
A woman in New York sued the Burger King because a Burger King near her place sold soda for 89 cents, while another Burger King that was a little farther away sold the same soda for 69 cents. Of course, the case wasn’t entertain much and Burger King won the case despite not even showing up in court!
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