Nothing is more comfortable during winters than sitting in a blanket and holding a hot mug of steaming… something. Almost anything hot works, right? These concoctions are not only easy-to-make, but also healthy. And no, they definitely won’t leave you with a hangover.
1. Turmeric and honey in warm milk: This magic potion is not only the powerhouse of nutrition but also helps you sleep better. The drink helps to boost immunity level.
2. Honey, cinnamon and almond in warm milk: This is another drink that will keep you warm in winters. The drink even helps to fight with cold and flu.
3. Salted caramel hot chocolate: This warm, comfort drink just needs 5 ingredients and is perfect for winters.
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4. Noon Chai: Kashmiris swear by this pink coloured tea. Not only it tastes best, but also it is very easy-to-make.
5. Spiced Almond Milk: This fragrant warm drink is a perfect treat at the end of a long tiring day. It balances blood sugar and stabilises metabolism.
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