The war waging between Delhi and Mumbai is inevitable. Everything aside, the biggest question that has the country torn into two – Who has the better parties: Mumbai or Delhi? The verdict is out and we’ve officially declared a winner: It’s Mumbai. Read on to know more.
Now before you go berserk and start screaming ‘How darreee youuu‘ listen to what we’ve got to say. Yes, the two cities are pretty damn different and having partied in both cities we’ve got a completely unbiased view of what goes down. While Delhi scores higher in some aspects, Mumbai clearly takes the cake in most of the departments. It has all the right qualities that make it the party capital of the county.
Here’s why Mumbai’s night life will always be better than Delhi’s:
Cocaine has ruined Delhi’s after-parties: It’s after 4 am that people leave clubs and the dreaded after party begins. Be it clubs like Club BW and Kitty Su, or lesser expensive ones like Socials and Flying Saucer- once the crowd exits you’ll see nose bleeds and powdered noses, especially if it’s an underground party. Drugs have pretty much ruined Delhi’s late night parties.
Music: While no one is anti-Bollywood, not everyone wants to dance to O O Jaane Jana. While you won’t find a lot of Mumbai clubs playing Bollywood (expect Tryst on Bollywood nights) Delhi’s Connaught Place is notorious for playing Bollywood songs all night long, and we’re very displeased, to say the least.
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Timings: Mumbai partied begin late and end early while Delhi parties begin early and end when the f**k ever the last gabru jaat wants to leave the club. No seriously, we’ve seen enough fights in high profile clubs to know how ugly things can get!
Social terrorism: In Mumbai (or Bombay as we still love to call it), people party because they want to show off their new Dior or Bulgari and then head back home. In Delhi however, social terrorism prevails. People show up to parties because ‘how dare you not include me in your list’. And if you do invite them, they’ll get drunk and create a scene, terrorise your party anyway. So, yeah.
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Crowd behavior: In Mumbai people talk to you at parties and strike up conversations. In Delhi, most people will stare at you and give you cold shoulders. The crowd in Mumbai is comparatively well spoken, sharply dressed and polite, especially when it comes to communicating with the staff. You won’t find people snapping their fingers to call the waiter, ever.
Although we gotta admit when it comes to food and alcohol, Delhi is all the way up. Whaddya think? Delhi or Mumbai- Where would you rather get wasted? Tell us in the comments!
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