Foodies can go to any lengths to try different dishes, but is dying worth it? While dinner is usually roti, sabzi and a bunch of knick-knacks, there are dishes that can only be prepared by trained professionals. Wondering why? If they’re a tad bit under-cooked or prepared at the wrong time, you could die. That’s it, no biggie! These dishes contain potentially harmful toxins and chemicals that could prove fatal if not cooked exactly as per the recipe.
If you are an adrenaline junkie and want to risk your life just for a bit of some exotic dish, check out these deadly dishes from all around the globe, that have caused deaths and hospitalised a bunch of people:
Laab Dib
Thailand’s most coveted dish, Laab Dib, has a sharp blast of bitterness, tang, and spices. If you have that dish, here’s what you’re eating — raw cow bile, partially digested grass drained from a cow’s stomach, cow blood and if you’re lucky enough- a few parasites. Yes, this mix of raw meat, blood and bacteria, is pretty deadly. Sometimes literally as there have been cases where the parasites have infiltrated the eater’s head, causing instant death.
ALSO READ: Ever tried Pakistani biryani? Here’s where you can eat this delicacy in India
Just a bite of under-prepared blowfish aka fugu fish can paralyse you and the paralysis can be followed by death. But hey, it’s yummy if it’s prepared correctly. Willing to take the risk?
Love torturing your food before devouring it? Then you’ll love wriggling octopus, a South Korean delicacy that fights back! The Octopus’s tentacles are chopped off and served while it’s still alive and still moving. If that’s not reason enough to not eat it, sometimes tentacles can stick inside your throat, causing you to choke and die. Sounds fun?
ALSO READ: 7 Tibetan dishes beyond momos you need to try ASAP
This South American shrub is a good source of carbohydrates. Oh and cyanide too. And trust us, Cyanide isn’t really something you want in your food. If the cassava isn’t prepared properly, it can poison you.
This Namibian delicacy is only safe to eat after mating season and if you eat it at the wrong time of the year, you could suffer kidney failure. Worth risking your kidney for a froggy?
When unripe, the national fruit of Jamaica is full of poison and potentially deadly. When it’s ripe, though, it’s a scrumptious healthy snack. There’s another catch— the black seeds inside are poisonous and eating them can be fatal.
Upside: delicious and healthy
Downside: potential death
Shocked? You should be! Though cherries are harmless, their pits contain cyanogenic compounds that turn to cyanide when crushed. Just two or three of these seeds can leave you bedridden and more than a handful are enough to end your time. No more cherry on the cake, eh?
(Pictures: Wikipedia)
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