The standard amount of daily water intake should be eight glasses. But is it enough to survive the sweltering summer heat? No. Around 60 percent of our body weight is made up of water, and we are constantly losing water through urine and sweat, at least in summers. Though even 8 glasses of water are not enough for a body, experts suggest that this much will help your body hydrated and tackle with skin and digestive problems.
True that not eveybody can drink so much amount water. So as an alternative, you can even eat water-based foods. Here we will give you a lowdown of 10 such foods which can satisfy your quench your thirst.
Watermelon: With 92% water content, Watermelon offers plenty of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C to our body. As per a study, it is one of the best foods for re-hydrating the body. A perfect balance of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and lycopene makes the fruit perfect to eat in summers. Lycopene in the fruit also helps in lower rates of heart disease and cancers.
Strawberries: Filled with antioxidants and folate, these little berries consist 92% water. Strawberries are great to be blend with cakes, smoothies, and yogurt. Berries are extremely healthy and they’re all rich in vitamins, and minerals. This small delicacy boosts the immune system and fights disease. If you want to keep yourself hydrated, strawberries are your best bet.
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Oranges: Comprising 87% water, oranges offer 100% of your daily recommended value for Vitamin C. These are great for boosting the immune system. Oranges are extremely hydrating, however not as much as their look-alike grapefruit
Raspberries: With 87% water content, this superfood offers high fiber content and improves your digestion. Though raspberries may not have as much water as strawberries, they still are high in terms of water content. Also, raspberries have more fiber when compared to any other berry.
Cucumber: With 96% water content, cucumber offers benefits of vitamin C and caffeic acid to our body. Loaded with vitamin C, K, and B, cucumbers also contain minerals such as copper, potassium, and manganese. Cucumber can also help you to avoid nutrient deficiencies. These are necessary to be added in your diet.
Iceberg Lettuce: This yummy salad staple comes with 96% water content and has no cholesterol and sodium. These have higher amounts of fiber, key minerals, and vitamins. Iceberg lettuce has the highest water content.
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Celery: With 95% water content, this vegetable also provides natural salts to our body and replenishes the level of phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and sodium.
Spinach: With 92% water content this leafy green vegetable works as an energy powerhouse for our body. It is rich in B-vitamins, magnesium, and potassium, all of which work as energy boosters.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, lycopene, potassium, folate, flavonoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Along with improving our heart health, they also help in fighting cancer. Containing 94 percent water, tomatoes work wonder in maintaining hydration level. Even those little cherry tomatoes are quite healthy and to receive maximum include them in your diet.
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