Are you one of those weight conscious souls who refuses to eat samosa because it’s oily? But at the same time you’re okay with eating a burger because it has ‘veggies’ and you find it less unhealthy? Well, then listen up, we’ve got news.
Smokey’s BBQ & Grill (Photo: Facebook/Smokey’s)
So, between the lovely crunchy samosa and a gooey cheesy burger, it is the samosa that has won the ‘health’ battle. Why, and how, you ask?
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Samosa (Photo: Dreamstime)
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has released a report which proves that a samosa is any day better for health than a burger. The reason behind samosa landmark victory against the obvious ‘foreign hand’ – is that it is made using fresh ingredients and is free of additives, preservatives and flavouring.
ALSO READ: This samosa in London broke all records to become the largest in the world!
Burger (Photo: Dreamstime)
A samosa is made using refined wheat flour, boiled potatoes, cumin, spices, salt, chillies, vegetable oil or ghee, the report suggests, that even if it might be high on calories, it is cooked largely with chemical-free ingredients. On the other side, a burger contains preservatives, acidity regulator, improver, antioxidant and emulsifier.
A burger is made using refined wheat flour, wheat gluten, sugar, salt, yeast, sesame seed, mayonnaise, vegetables / potato / chicken / mutton patty and edible vegetable oil.
So, here is the verdict: Samosa just became great again.
Samosa (Photo: Dreamstime; Chetan Kamal)
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