The struggle of maintaining a healthy life and fit body is nothing new. All of us at some point have been told not to eat bananas if you’re trying to lose weight or that beer bellies are hard to get rid of. But are these items really unhealthy? Do they contain so many calories to be called fattening? So to end your delusion, we have listed down some food items which you always thought were high in calories. Well, these are just not more than 100 calories.
1. Beer: Next time if anybody pokes you over beer belly, do let them know that it just contains around 95 calories. Also, beer’s health benefits include reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, and it apparently also contains anti-cancer properties.
Beer (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
2. Salmon: Excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon contains as low as 99 calories. The fat present in salmon is good for health as it has good fatty acids in it.
salmon (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
3. Salsa: This low-calorie dip contains around 36 calories. It is full of veggies which make salsa quite healthy.
Salsa (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
4. Strawberries: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fibre, strawberries have incredible health benefits. A bowl of it contains around 53 calories.
Strawberries (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
5. Banana: People often say that bananas are fattening. However, the truth is that it contains fiber and resistant starch, which supports in weight loss. Banana contains a moderate number of calories and works well in a diet plan. A medium-size banana contains 89 calories.
Banana (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
6. Olives: If you are habitual of nibbling food between meals, olives are one of the healthiest options. Containing 81 calories in 100 grams, olives are incredibly healthy. They help in maintaining a healthy heart and is good for the liver.
Olives (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
7. Baked Potato: Heard people saying — want to lose weight, stop eating potatoes. Well, they are nutritious and have protein, potassium, fibre, and vitamin C. Though high in calories, baked potato contains only 85 calories.
Baked Potato (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
8. Vodka soda: Drinking is not always bad. A normal 30 ml peg of vodka and soda contains just 95 calories and is not bad for health if taken moderately.
Vodka-+-Soda (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
9. Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise is one of the most fattening dip/spread, but 2.5 tsp spoon of it contains only 85 calories. As mayonnaise contains nutrition like protein, water, fatty acids, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals, it has a lot of health benefits too.
Mayonnaise (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
10. Wine: Drinking a glass of wine after a long tiring day is not at all bad for your health. It contains only 83 calories and helps to boost the immune system and increases bone density.
Red White Wine (Photo: Dreamstime/Chetan Kamal)
So, now happy eating, peeps!
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