A train journey from Hyderabad to Tenali changed Khaja Moinuddin’s life. When the train halted at the Vijaywada station, a 15-year-old Moinuddin saw a sight that most Indians have learnt to unsee, kids eating food off a garbage dump. “Somehow, it indelible impact on me. I couldn’t do anything about it then, but I promised myself I would do something about it when I stand on my own feet,” says Moinuddin.
Decades later, a 39-year-old Moinuddin is fulfilling that promise he made to himself. After completing his MBA degree and joining a private company, Moinuddin realised the time was ripe. In 2017, he started a YouTube channel ‘Nawab’s Kitchen Food For All Orphans’ with two of his friends and decided to feed orphans while creating awareness among viewers.
His YouTube channel is all about his recipes and an appeal to people for support. Moinuddin cooks hearty meals at least three to four times a week and has established his kitchen in the outskirts of Hyderabad, which is around 4 km away from the city centre. Once the food is cooked, he and his friends take food to different orphanages.
Moinuddin is particular about the quality of the food he serves to his little connoisseurs. He makes sure to cook food only using best of seasonal vegetables and quality ingredients.
He makes everything from a black forest and pineapple cake to different types of biryanis like an egg, mutton, chicken, brinjal and jackfruit. He even makes different types of shakes which include banana, dragon fruit and kiwi. On special occasions, he even makes falooda and chocolate burfi.
If you are smacking your lips right now, we don’t blame you.
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