If you ever thought that giving up on pizza and losing weight does not go hand-in-hand, you have just been proven wrong. And mind you, we are not talking about eating junk only on cheat days. We are discussing a full blown pizza diet and still shredding kilos. A guy named Brian Northrup took up this challenge and proved that to live a healthy life you don’t need to boycott pizza. Northrup who belongs to New Jersey ordered a Domino’s pizza every day for 367 days without failing and documented his food journey. What’s more? He claims to have lost five pounds over the course of the challenge.
Northrup ate a whole pizza every day for a year (Photo: Instagram//@brian.northrup)
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A rather weird challenge to take up, don’t you think? Why would someone document ordering pizza every day? -To prove that going against the flow can sometimes bring results too. In an interview to LadBible Northrup says,”Too often have I heard trainers, fitness ‘gurus’ and even doctors tell people: “You can’t outwork a bad diet.” I believe all of those people vastly underestimate what is possible through hard work,”. It is true that he ate pizza every day for a year but he also worked out equally hard to stay healthy and fit. “If you see me, a relatively small guy, who was never a good athlete … I want to be a reminder of what’s possible through hard work,” he tells Foodbeast.
He kept posting his progress during his pizza challenge (Photo: Instagram//@brian.northrup)
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Northrup’s mantra isn’t to workout out more so that he can eat more. It is the other way around- he eats more just so that he can work out more. His workout regimen includes 30-40 minutes of weight training 3-4 days a week and a whole lotta cardio. He spends about 2-3 hours on cardio exercises every day and that equals to running 20-30 miles according to LadBible. And as a result, he not only lost 5.9 pounds but also increased his strength, speed and cardiovascular endurance.
Pizza challenge (Photo: Instagram//@brian.northrup)
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Obviously eating out the same thing from the same place every day is easy. It’s best to switch things up so Brian’s Instagram feed is filled with images of him trying out new pizzas. In fact, it is an inspiration board for people who want to make their pizza experience exciting rather than sticking with their usual toppings. On the last day of his so called #pizzaapocalypse, he ate three pizza to celebrate his achievement. He did manage to show his flexed muscles and impressive physique even with bad diet, thanks to exercise.
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