To commemorate the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Good Friday is observed by Christians during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.
To remember the hours when Jesus was hung on the cross, the observance involves people fasting and praying. This year the day falls on April 14th, and like every year, many church services will be held in the afternoon.
According to the Biblical and Julian calendars, the Crucifixion of the Jesus Christ was on a Friday in the AD 33 or AD 34.
History and Significance:
Good Friday marks the day when wrath and mercy met at the cross and commemoration of Christ’s death reminds us of the human sin that caused this death.
Jesus Christ was sentenced to death “because he claimed to be God’s son.” He was crucified on the cross on Friday. After his crucifixion, the whole land went dark. He gave up his spirit with loud cries and temple curtain was torn top to bottom because of the earthquake. At the site of the crucifixion, it was declared that “Truly this was God’s Son!”
After this sorrowful incident, a secret follower of the Jesus Christ named Joseph of Arimathea went to the state authorities and requested to hand over the Jesus Christ body.
The authorities accepted his request and handed over the body to Joseph. Later, another follower named Nicodemus wrapped the body of Christ with a mixture of spices to keep it fresh for some days.
However, to the utter shock of the people, on the 3rd day (Easter Sunday or Pascha) Jesus rose from the dead.
How India celebrates Good Friday:
In India, on this day Christian community attends their nearby churches to offer prayers to Jesus. Some people fast for the whole day, some people exclude meat from their diet on this day and some people involve in the parade, play activities and etc. It is an official public holiday too.
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