It’s Rose Day — that time of the year when the sale of roses will break all its previous records. Roses are the best medium to express your feelings of love and affection and with the variety of roses available in the market, you can choose the one that describes your emotions best. Here we break down each colour’s significance to give your Valentine week a perfect start.
Red for Romance: English Dramatist Thomas Holcrof once said: “Love and a red rose can’t be hidden.” A single rose is enough to say thanks to someone for being there in your life. They convey the message: “I Love You.”
Yellow for friendship: This colour expresses affection and appreciation that you have for somebody. The sun’s colour symbolises the feeling of joy and delight and when manifested in a rose, the ‘yellow’ cheers people up.
Lavender for love at first sight: Associated with the royalty, this colour is used to express your love at first sight. They are given to encourage crazy bosses.
White for purity and saying sorry: Symbolising innocence, sympathy, spirituality, the white rose is offered as an apology. However, in earlier tradition, it was a symbol of true love.
Orange for fascination: This colour represents the friendship of yellow and the love of red, and is given to someone you’re fascinated with. They are usually given to somebody on achieving something good in life.
Pink for cheering: Expressing poetic romance, this colour symbolises gratitude and appreciation. They are given to someone to say thanks or to express sympathise. This also comes with two variations. While the dark pink rose represents gratitude and appreciation and is a traditional way to say ‘thanks’. Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration.
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