The 21st century is the era of a fast-paced life and high powered careers. And whether you are a teacher or a business professional, work life is bound to take a toll on your health at some point in time. From answering those emails beyond your work hours to attending endless business meetings, you are blessed if you say I am free or I am done with my work. This not only affects your health but also leaves you exhausted emotionally.
While work is important and sometimes you have to go out of the way to make an event successful, the key to living a long and a happy life lies in maintaining a balance between your work life and your personal life. The steps need not bring about sudden transformations in your life. All you need to do is make some small adjustment here and there. These small changes will not only help you live a healthier life but also rejuvenate your lost energy.
Here are some changes that you need to focus on:
1) Keep 30 minutes for workout
Hitting the gym or going out for a run at 5 am in the morning might seem like a task too difficult to accomplish. But walking to your nearest grocery store while listening to your favourite tracks doesn’t seem cumbersome. Does it?
2) Wear anti-glare glasses
Irrespective of the line of work you are in, laptops are an inevitable part of your life. And if your job involves being glued to the screen for hours, it’s a good practice to wear anti-glare glasses. These will protect your eyes from the harmful rays from your laptop and also prevent them from straining.
3) Cut loose on sweets and junk food
You might be tempted to try that glazed chocolate doughnut in the pantry on pay endless visits to the coffee vending machine (coz let’s admit it, coffee is what gets us through the day), but try to resist the urge. More sugar means more carbs. And we all know what excess sugar and junk food do to your body!
4) Keep a good playlist handy
Admittedly, there are days when despite your best efforts you struggle to keep your eyes open. And if you plan on cutting carbs, coffee is a strict no-no. For situations like these, keep a good playlist handy. Put your headphones on and listen to party songs that you enjoy. It’s bound to get you on your feet in minutes.
5) Pick up hobby
So you are home early and bored out of your mind and wondering if you should start working on those creative ideas that you are supposed to submit next month. Resist the urge and find yourself a hobby instead. It can be anything from reading a book to scribbling your colour book. Remind yourself you deserve a break from your work.
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6) Eat home-cooked meal
It’s true, work life is exhausting and by the time you reach home you don’t have any energy left to cook food. But a home cooked meal is exactly what you need to give your body proper nourishment. Hire help and if you cannot, have home-cooked meals on your week offs.
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7) Set your sleeping time
Everyone loves to sleep, sadly not many people these days are focused on doing it right. Set your sleeping time and stick to it. Turn off all your electronic devices and give your brain time to shut down and rest.
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