The general thumb rule that is followed in our country is that alcohol is bad for our health and that one should abstain from drinking alcohol under circumstances. On the other hand dairy products like milk and Indian cottage cheese (paneer) which are commonly hailed as the power houses of nutrition that one must have regularly for a healthy life.
While this is true in most cases, it is important to know that dairy products are not all that good and like every thing else in life even milk has its side effects. Shocked? Well, milk can do your skin more harm than good if you are allergic to it.
So, here is a detailed explanation on how milk, alcohol, and sugar are damaging your skin:
Milk (Photo: Dreamstime)
Our parents have been asking us to drink milk (with bournvita) since times together. It is full of calcium and Vitamin D. True. But do you know it also contains animal hormones that cannot be digested easily by our body? Lactose intolerance can not trigger blackheads but also cystic acne that is difficult to treat. It doesn’t matter if you have an oily skin or a dry skin, if your body is not digesting milk, it’s time that you ditch it for something more subtle!
How to detect: Dark circles, swollen eyelids and on the chin.
Tip: It doesn’t matter if you have an oily skin or a dry skin if your body is not digesting milk, it’s time that you ditch it for something more subtle!
Bread (Photo: Pixabay)
Even though it is hailed as a ‘foreign phenomenon’, a large number of people in our country suffer from gluten intolerance. This causes inflammation in the small intestine, which in turn causes the breakout and bloated skin.
How to detect: dark pigmentation and puffy red cheeks
Tip: If you are suffering from gluten intolerance, we suggest you drop bread and food with gluten like pasta and cakes immediately.
Sugar (Photo: Pixabay)
It no secret that sugar wreaks havoc on our body. From making you gain weight to increase your blood sugar level, it is one of the worst things to consume. But do you know, excessive consumption of sugar can cause pimples, wrinkles and degrade the complexion of your skin?
How to detect: wrinkles on the forehead, pimples all over the face, thinner eyebrows and gaunt appearance.
Tip: The key is to avoid sugar but if you can’t stick to the minimum amount required.
Wine (Photo: Pixabay)
It’s no brainer that alcohol is a diuretic. If consumed in excess, it can cause dehydration of the skin, even worsen wrinkles and even damage your liver. Furthermore, it can also harm the good bacteria in your gut, leading to infections.
How to detect: enlarged folds, dehydrated skin, and reddish skin and nose.
Tip: The key is to avoid sugar but if you can’t stick to the minimum amount required.
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