World Sleep Day: The Secret To Sound Sleep Lies In Your Salary, Finds Survey

The study,commissioned by Sunday Mattresses was conducted among 345 working professionals above the age of 25

Your ease of falling asleep could be directly related to your salary, according to India Sleep and Wellness survey.

The study,commissioned by Sunday Mattresses and conducted among 345 working professionals above the age of 25, found that you’re able to sleep better with an increased salary.

Productivity and sleep


Less salary is not the sole factor that lessens your sleep. The survey, conducted across Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru, also indicates that there is also a direct correlation between productivity and sleep.

Over two-thirds of the sound sleepers believe they are 100 % productive at work whereas more than half of those who reported getting insufficient sleep, believed they were only 75 % (or less) productive.

The Most Sleepless city


The survey also found that Mumbai has the highest proportion of night owls who sleep after midnight while people in Bengaluru go to bed the earliest (between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.). Bengaluru also has a better record of falling asleep as compared to Delhi and Mumbai and thanks to relatively lower noise levels.

Eating habits


The research findings also demonstrate that people who eat less than two hours before going to sleep are 50 per cent more likely to have sleep-related issues. More Delhiites head to bed with a somewhat heavy or heavy dinner, whereas Mumbai keeps it light.

Age factor


The survey also demonstrated that people who are below the age group of 30 get better sleep than those who are older. Adults over 30 are twice as likely to have sleep-related problems and adults over 45 years are three times more likely to have sleep-related issues.

Weight issues


People who think themselves to be overweight are 2.5 times more likely to have sleep problems as compared to those who do not consider themselves to be overweight. It also found that people who do not exercise are 3 times more likely to face problems as compared to people who exercise regularly.

