Two of Bollywood leading ladies Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone attended one of the most fashionable events of the Hollywood calendar- The Golden Globes Awards. Both the divas tried their best to stun everyone at the event. But according to readers of, Deepika Padukone was sexier than Priyanka Chopra at the event. A live poll that ran on InUth’s Facebook page for over three hours lead to these results.
Deepika wore a yellow Ralph Lauren off-shoulder ensemble, ravishing enough to make her fans go gaga over her. The Mastani of Bollywood was styled by Elizabeth Saltzman, her make up done by Hung Vanngo, while Christian Wood did the hair style. Priyanka on the other hand, wore Ralph Lauren’s shiny custom-made golden gown that took 1600 hours of embroidery to make. But the hard work of the artists didn’t translate to applauds for the Desi Girl.
There were many who didn’t like Priyanka’s outfit. Some thought that her cleavage show was pointless while others were of the opinion that she could have done better. But there were few who disapproved of Deepika’s outfit which she donned for the after party.
Both Deepika and Priyanka are on their way to global stardom with their respective Hollywood debuts releasing this year. Deepika will essay the role of Serena Unger in xXx: Return Of Xander Cage with stars like Vin Diesel featuring along with her. Priyanka will be seen as Victoria Leeds in Baywatch that stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Effron in pivotal roles.
Well, these two Bollywood beauties are definitely making India proud by making their presence being felt in the West.
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