Dry days are those sad days when whether you want to or not, you feel like drinking. So there are about a dozen of such days throughout the year and the list of dry days is usually released at the beginning of the year. The good news is August is the month with many holidays, but the bad news is dry days also coincide with a lot of these holidays. August has more than one dry day in the month and nearly all of them fall around weekends. (Don’t be sad). Just so that you guys know beforehand, here’s a list of all the dry days in August. You’re welcome!
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14th August – Janmastashtami
The birth of Lord Krishna is to be strictly celebrated with milk, curd, and gorging on sweet. Although it is celebrated in different ways across the country, they all have one thing in common- a ban on alcohol.
15th August- Independence Day
Even those who are not aware that we have an annual dry day list must be knowing that our country observes a strict ban on alcohol on all the national holidays. India has a negative connotation associated with drinking and alcoholics are frowned upon. So this does not really come as a big surprise.
BTW Monday and Tuesday are off. It’s a long weekend guys and if you are planning to go out. Here is where you can head to.
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25th August- Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi is the favourite festival of Maharashtrians and is celebrated over eleven days. While there are celebrations all over Maharastra and other states as well, wine shops and bars close their doors for us. If you are hoping to celebrate it with some alcohol you better arrange for it in advance.
May you never fall short of happiness or alcohol this holiday season. Also, don’t drink and drive!
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