Love compatibility is a complex subject and astrology takes a lot of factors into consideration to find out how one sun sign can relate to another. Here, we are just going to throw light on the basic traits of Virgo, Aries and how these basic traits can help them establish a stronger bond.
While Virgos are natural underdogs, Aries are divergent thinkers, the two signs are very different in almost every aspect, but their compatibility does have possibilities as Aries are usually attracted to the mystery and enigma that is Virgo.

Love Horoscope (Photo: dreamstime)
The humble and mysterious Virgo takes the time to find a partner. On the other hand, Aries are romance lovers; they absolutely love everything that has to do with romance. This will stay next year as well.
Thus, the relationship is likely to take a while to begin to simmer, but the compatibility is more natural than either would think, as they will discover more as they get to know each other better. The best part about this combo is that the two signs hold each other’s best interests at heart.
Virgo, as a mutable sign, doesn’t mind following Aries’ leads and letting Aries ostensibly take charge, provided it’s done with respect. Moreover, Virgo’s humble attitude always tries to calm down Aries hush-hush attitude.
Here the relationship works because of the couple’s differences, not in spite of them.

Love Image (Photo: dreamstime)
Both the signs know really well ‘how particular aspects of life should be handled together.”
The high standards of the Virgo may be a bit of a challenge; however, their gentleness and wisdom bring fortune to Aries long with protectiveness. The relationship may not be demonstrative, outwardly sexual or passionate as some others, but has the really high significant trust value in it. To take their love forward, the two signs must compromise and agree how particular aspects of life should be handled.