Cutting through the noise that conventional pageants love to make, India has seen a growing trend of beauty contests that celebrate all sizes and sexualities in the recent past. In Ms India Curvy, hosted by Glamour Gurgaon, plus-sized women are being given a platform to showcase their talent and take home a crown.
With the sole aim of encouraging more women to be comfortable in their skin, the organisers host auditions in Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and a few other cities all through December.
The contest hopes to change the notion that only people of a certain body type can get pageants of their own. “These women will be prepared and trained by our experts on how to enter the world of plus size modelling. This platform will not only boost the confidence but will also groom both inner and outer personality,” Barkha Nangia, director of Glamour Gurgaon told InUth.
Nangia is also a plus-size model, whose company has hosted other similar unconventional beauty pageants like Mrs Punjab – Pride of Nations, Mrs India – Pride of Nations and Mrs Delhi NCR. “During our four day journey with Finalists, we would be pampering them with beauty, fitness & styling sessions. And at the same time, we would also be empowering by imparting knowledge about various health and wellness issues,” Nangia said.
More than 120 participants were part of the auditions that were held in Delhi on December 2. The upcoming auditions in other cities will be held between December 9 and 30. After shortlisted candidates go through a photo shoot and grooming session, a grand finale will crown the final winner as Ms India Curvy.
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