This Navratri, go vegan without being malnourished

This festive season, go vegan but with a healthy twist

The nine-day-long festival which involves rigorous fasting is going on and people around the country are keeping fast. Yes! it’s time to celebrate Navratri and time to feast. People observe a strict routine and try to consume selective food like kuttu atta, singhara atta, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, yogurt and makhanas.

But this navratri, we suggest you go vegan but with a healthy twist and without being malnourished.
Make sure you add loads of pumpkin in your diet. And you don’t have to be boring. Go for some delicious pumpkin ravioli one day or have roast pumpkin soup the other. Pumkins are rich source of antioxidant B – carotene or beta carotene.

Also, you can have rotis made of rajgirah. They are gluten free, and full of antioxidants, vitamin C, E, iron, magnesium, potassium and protein. Instead of potatoes, go for some boiled sweet potatoes. They are rich source of beta-carotene and other carotenoids.
