A proud moment for India as Noida resident Srishti Kaur brought laurels to the nation by winning the Miss Teen Universe 2017 pageant. The competition was held in Central American country Nicaragua. The pageant that has always been a high benchmark for the teens all over the globe saw nearly 25 contestants in the final run.
Srishti Kaur came on the top by defeating finalists Samantha Pierre from Canada and Ary Trava from Mexico. Interestingly, Srishti also won the title of Miss Teen Tiara International. She was selected among 29 other participants for the title. Srishti has been studying fashion in London School of Fashion. She has done her schooling from Lotus Valley International in Noida.
Apart from winning the main title, Srishti also won best national costume title. Her costume being that it had our national bird peacock on it.
A look at her Facebook account will tell that she was born to win. Her friends, family members, and the whole country is proud of the young girl who represented India at the grandest stage. The competition was organised for teens aged between 15-19. Here are a few more pictures of Srishti:
Apart from her, Nicole Obando from Costa Rica won the award for Teen Charm whereas Xirelle Agustin who hails from the Philippines won in the Teen Popularity category award. The competition was held by Miss Universe Organisation.
Proud of you Srishti!
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