The festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated in the month of Savana on the full moon day or as it is called Purnima. Raksha Bandhan lilterally means “bond of protection” and celebrates the love and duty between a brother and sister.
This year Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 7th August, 2017. As per this festival the sister ties Rakhi on the wrist of her brother as a symbol of her love and prayer for his prosperity and love. In return the brother gives her a gift as a token of his love and protection.

Raksha Bandhan
There is a particular time period between which the Rakhi should be tied and is called the ‘Mahurat’ or ‘Tithi’. Here are the mahurats for Raksha Bandhan this year.
Raksha Bandhan Thread Ceremony Time = 11:04 a.m. to 09:12 p.m.
Duration = 10 Hours 8 Mins. This Includes –
Aparahan Time Raksha Bandhan Muhurat = 01:46 p.m. to 04:24 p.m.
Duration = 2 Hours 38 Mins
Pradosh Time Raksha Bandhan Muhurat = 07:03 p.m. to 09:12 p.m.
Duration = 2 Hours 9 Mins
In Northern States of India, Rakhi ceremony is usually performed in early morning but according to various astrologers and pandits believe that it is not as holy time to tie the Rakhi thread.

According to them Aparahna is the best time to tie a Rakhi, which is late afternoon as per Hindu division of the day. Rakhi tying ceremony can also be performed during Pradosh mahurat which is also suitable.
It should not be performed in Bhadra mahurat which is a malicious time period early in the morning. Most Hindu text like Vratraj advise to not to perform any such rituals or ceremonies in Bhadra mahurat. It should be noted that the Bhadra mahurat prevails for the first half of the Purnima tithi. Hence, all the auspicious works are advised to be done after this mahurat is passed including tying of the Rakhi thread.

During the appropriate mahurat, Rakhi should be tied from the Rakhsha Potli or Bundle of Protection, which includes unbroken rice, white mustard and the gold thread. Raksha Potli should be woven with colored fabric made of cotton or woolen and should be kept on a clean cloth for the Puja or Prayer. The Raksha Ptli must be tied to the wrist for worshiping Rakhsa for protection and prosperity while chanting the following Matra –
Yen Baddho Bali Raja Danavendro Mahabakah|
Ten Tvaamabhibadhnaami Rakshe Maachal Maachal|
It means – “I tie you with the same Raksha thread which tied the most powerful, the king of courage, the king of demons, Bali. O Raksha (Raksha Sutra), please don’t move and keep fixed throughout the year.”

Rakhi Thali
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