Soft, cozy blankets and rose laden bed-sheets are a thing of the past- sex up your life with some offbeat locations! From doing it inside a swimming pool to outside a parking lot- we all have some kinky sexual fantasies every now and then, but chicken out when it comes to turning them into reality. By doing this, you’re probably missing out on the best sex you’ll ever have!
But do not be mistaken, while taking sex outside the bedroom could add loads of spice to your love life, it could also end up being one of your worst sexual experiences ever. Here’s a tip: ditch places like cars and public washrooms. While they’re adventurous, you gotta think about the aesthetics too! While washrooms, libraries and cheap motels sound fun, you’ll probably get turned off by the experience.
Here’s our list of the steamiest places you can have sex:
You take those Kasol/Nanital trips every week. Why not put this time to good use and have some sexy times on the hills? The weather is perfect, it’s silent and the view will be ah-may-zingg.
ALSO READ: 13 facts about vagina that you probably did not know
Parking lot
If you’re someone who gets turned on by the risk of getting caught, you’ll love doing it in a dark parking lot. It looks pretty sexy in the movies, right?
Open park
Okay, don’t try this one in India unless you’re very sure you won’t get caught. If you’re abroad, try this in an abandoned park or something. It’ll give you the chills!
ALSO READ: From reducing stress to burning calories, these 7 reasons will make you sleep naked tonight
A sure shot way to perk up your office life. Sneak your partner into your cabin or washroom and have a quickie. Your work productivity might go up (for a change!).
No, sex on the beach is not an overrated cliche! Just make sure and doesn’t enter your crevices..unless that works for you (we’re not judging).
Gym locker room
Think of it as a pre-workout sesh. Sweat it out before you go in for a beast-mode workout!
Having sex on a small boat with the blue sea all around you is the most romantic way to make love to your partner!
Ready to get your freak on?
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