India is the 5th most sexually active country in the world. But even then sex is considered a taboo in India and not talked about much. Sex is treated as if it is a sin even when it’s totally normal. So heading to the new generation’s needs, That’s Personal is an Indian startup that retails in areas of sexual wellness and sells adult products legally across India. Recently the startup launched a survey to determine trends and usage patterns of sex products in India. Some of the revelations made by the study were very surprising. So here are facts related to sex in India that you probably did not know? Check it out.
1. Remember Savita Bhabhi? As lecherous as it may sound, Indian Bhabhi is still one of the most searched porn videos in India.
2. Maharastra is the state with the highest ranking in the sale of sex products followed by Karnataka as the runner up and West Bengal as the second runner up. Interestingly, during Navratri festival, the sale of these products increase in Gujarat and it overtakes other states to acquire the third position.
3. In terms of cities, Mumbai has the highest number of sale of sex products but if we include NCR region, then Delhi beats Mumbai. This is followed by Bangalore (3rd), Chennai (4th), Kolkata (5th), Hyderabad (6th), Pune (7th) and Ahmedabad (8th).
4. Among the buyers of sex products, 62% are men and only 38% of the buyers are women. However, women who buy sex products have 18% bigger baskets. In cities like Baroda, Pune, and Thiruvananthapuram, the number of women buyers is higher than men.
5. Men make most of their purchases between 10 PM to 1 AM while on the other hand, women splurge on these products mostly during day time between 10 AM to 1 PM.
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6. Most people who buy sex toys and sex products are aged between 25-year and 34-year (44%) of age. The sale of sexual products among age bracket 18-24 year is 22%, between 25-34 year is 44%, between 35-45 year is 18%. 45 year and above make up to 16% of the buyers.
7. Top sex toys in the Indian market is lubricants (18%), followed by intimate massager (16%), delay sprays (14%), romance/ fun stuff(13%), sexy lingerie (13%), pleasure rings and devices(12%).
8. Most bought role play costume is a nurse’s costume.
9. Most brought kinky product is handcuffs.
10. Most popular men’s innerwear is men’s thongs.
11. Most viewed category by males is delay sprays and most viewed category by females is intimate massagers.
12. Uttar Pradesh purchases the maximum penis enlargement products.
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13. Assam is the kinkiest of all states and most BDSM products are purchased by this state.
14. People in West Bengal buy a lot of candy-panties, men in Telangana buy a lot of sexy underwears and women in Punjay buy most sexitement products.
15. Panjim has the highest number of buyers of massage oils and people in Bhopal are the ones who try the different flavours of condoms the most.
This survey surely reveals a lot of things about Indian states that we never knew before.
ALSO READ: World’s most expensive luxury condoms are actually pretty affordable. Check them out!
(Data courtesy: That’s Personal)
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