Actress Soha Ali Khan, who is expecting her first child with husband Kunal Kemmu is currently vacationing in London and is having a gala time. To keep their fans updated, the duo is constantly sharing pictures on their social media and we are just loving it. The latest picture shared by Kunal Kemmu on his Instagram account is going viral on the internet and we are totally gushing about it.
The picture shows a tired Kunal and Soha sitting on the side of the street. But despite looking tired, Soha’s smiling face, as she held her baby bump, tells a lot about her happiness right now. After dating for a few years, Soha and Kunal tied the knot in January 2015 and the actor confirmed the news of Soha’s pregnancy last month.
Soha Ali Khan says that her sister-in-law and actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has been giving her diet tips and husband Kunal Kemmu takes care of her in every way possible.
The actress also took to social media and shared a picture from her London vacation with hubby Kunal and her in-laws. She captioned the image: ”Krrrrazy Four #famjam #londondiaries”
Talking about her husband, Soha said: “We feel very blessed and were ready for this phase in our life.I have my and Kunal’s family. Kunal has been a wonderful partner and this phase can be overwhelming for the to-be mother and father. He has done very well.”
Not only Soha, but Kunal also talked about his experience, and encouraged husbands to support their wives. He said: “I just listen to her, make her feel happy, reassure her that she looks wonderful, and do things to make her feel good, can make her very happy.”
Well, we hope the duo keeps us updated with all the gorgeous pictures. Meanwhile, here’s a look at some other pictures from their vacation that will instantly make you want to book your tickets and leave for a long holiday:
(With inputs from IANS)
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