Twinkle Khanna, who celebrates her birthday on the same day as her late dad, Rajesh Khanna, has recently resurrected her career. And everyone must admit that a large part of the credit should go to the popularity of her Twitter profile. What we love the most are her topical references and how she’s not afraid of being her savage, unapologetic self.
From her book, The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad (2016) still winning awards, to her tweets going viral for mostly the right reasons, 2017 has been a great year for Twinkle. And so to celebrate Mrs Funnybone’s birthday, here are 7 tweets that prove she’s absolute bliss in 280 characters:
If this isn’t relatable, nothing is!
Woke up,weighed myself,cursed Earth’s ruthless gravitational force,contemplated living on the moon or going to the gym, ate pancakes instead
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) August 22, 2015
Or we make some nimbu ka achaar!
Lemonade? When life gives us lemons,we make them into talismans threaded with chillies and hanging on our rear-view mirrors #TheIndianWay
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) September 28, 2015
This was literally every Indian in December last year!
All set for Christmas and Santa forget about presents, this year I would just like some cash please #MerryDemonetization #hohoho
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) December 18, 2016
The tweet that ‘Trumps’ all others…
Donald Duck waddling to the White House doesn’t seem to be just a surreal nightmare. Misogyny plays its trump card and wins..
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) November 9, 2016
On point!
Middle age: Where you have given up worrying about love, are yet to worry about health and it is only work that gives you sleepless nights.
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) October 21, 2016
When she pit the Pundit against Santa Claus!
Some things are timeless like Santa and Pundit ji – By popular demand -Manic Santa and one more reason for Punditji to dislike Christmas #Jingleballe #throwback #HoHoHo
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) December 22, 2017
When she proved that auto-correct truly spares no one!
Why does this happen only to me ? Autocorrect I hate you!
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) November 21, 2016
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